Saturday, May 8, 2010

penny rimbaud - dublin may 7 2010

Penny RimbaudSeomra Spraoi May 7 2010
We were offered a night of and for 30 mins we were given a glimpse into the art life of a poet. I was there because Penny played drums for Crass. Crass were the band that politicized me and my peers. Some brought it to varying degrees and chances are Seomra Spraoi wouldn't exist as a space if Crass hadn't led the way in the early 80's. Musically they were better known as the straightforward anarch punks. We tended to forgive them for their more experimental extravagances. Crass eventually stopped playing and for more info and a fascinating insight read Tonight was one of those extravagancas. It started off well with some good banter but when the poetry started i was wandering. Wandering to a place where people are being held to ransom by international financial markets. Wondering when Penny will set the world to rights so we can all go "yeah man, let's change this world". I started thinking about Arthur Scargill and his speech last week. How Arthur was telling u sall to stand up to the man, stand up and be counted. When I switched back to the here and now that was Seomra Spraoi Penny was regalling us with a tale of how it's a struggle to get up in the morning as the day would be a battle with oneself. When I heard people laughing, thinking it was a joke, I wished it was Arthur Scargill up there. It was a moment of history having Penny speak in Dublin but sometimes all historic events aren't joyous ocassions.

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