Saturday, October 9, 2010

allo allo what's going on here

allo darlin' s/t fortuna pop

For those of us who love sun this is the equivalent of a dream desert island. Blue skies and seas, glorious days and not a trouble in the world. Every time I listen to allo darlin I close my eyes and dream. Dream of a better place where we don't kill each other for food or pleasure.

I remember a time that seems like a world away. An era where there didn't seem to be any recession. ireland had come from a time when all your school mates left the country for work. It was adjusting to a life where people were now choosing to stay in the country. My memories of that time are one of looking to music for everything. It gave me politics, it gave me sense and it gave me Sarah records. Even mentioning the bands Talulah Gosh and Heavenly bring a nostalgic smile to my face. Allo Darlin' bring me back to that life.

This is the bands debut album and it reeks of intelligence. Beautiful songs that are talking to me, the listener. This is not a band that will spend it's time hiding backstage. They will be out there with us, speaking to us, listening to and communicating with us. What I'm trying to say to you is that I love this album, I love this band and I think if you have a hankering towards a pop tune you will too as you listen to music for all the right reasons

Sing along now
"We do it, because we love it, and I'm here, because I love you"

Remember the 7"

I have finally had a bit of time to get up and down to the record player every few minutes. I've acquired some 7"'s recently and it has been so refreshing listening in.

For some reason they have made me get my Montana Pete 7"s out and even further by having a refreshing listen to Minutemen. I can never get tired of listening to the Minutemen. Anyway back to those 7"s

Airfix Kits
FlexTime 7"/ Playing Both Sides 7" (Deranged Records / Dirtnap Records)
Minutemen kick Big Flame up the Dawson
(I love yr) 80s aesthetic, 21 Hot Knives are the perfect supplement to Flex Time. Short snappy songs on a 7" record with a jangly guitar sound. It's slightly off time and is a throwback to what i liked most in the 80's. I'd love to see their record collection cos I want what these listen to. The other 7" is playing both sides and Leaving produces more of the same. Allans scotish vocals reminds of a time when whirling pig dervish played the lead in my collection. I can't get enough of this stuff.

And then I get a 7" by Sauna Youth. There is very little detail on the band and the 7" is pretty minimal in detail. However thanks to the internet I can read all about them. it's not reading I wanna do it's listen to these 3 songs. Kind of like a more hardcore version of Airfix Kits. It has that quirky sound but with Minor Threat as the condiment. Again no info on the 7" but 4 great songs can be explained by if you want.